Sunday, February 23, 2014

BBNJ Hindi Sr Feb 23, 2014

हरि ॐ, नमस्कार !
Last week, we were supposed to do a review of all the swar. None of our Hindi Sr. friends showed up!

This week we had three students and it was back to the building blocks with at least two of them. Remember, regular attendance, a review of what was taught and diligence with your homework are the keys to success!

This week we did the following vowels all over again along with matras.
We learned how to identify the beginning sound and whether it is a long or short vowel.
अ (A) - अ ना र  Anaar (Pomegranate)  No matra
आ (Aa)  - आ म Aam (Mango)
इ (e) - इ म ली (Imli) - Tamarind. 
ई (ee) - ई ख (eekh) - Sugarcane
उ (u) - उ ल्लू (ulloo) - Owl
ऊ (oo) - ऊ न  (wool or yarn)
ए  (ae) - ए ड़ी (ankle) , ए क (one)
ऐ  (aae) - ऐ न क  (glasses)
Hindi Swar Chart

When the vowels follow a consonant or any of the non-vowel letters they will assume a different shape.  This shape is called a mātrā (मात्रI).Matras for these Swar look like this :

Hindi Vowels

We did a couple of examples of these Matras in conjunction with the vyanjan to see how they look.
We did the first six matras from the following list:
Please review these and review the rest of the vowels before next class.
Agle haftephir milenge.
मीना आंटी

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

BBNJ Hindid Jr. Feb. 9th 2014

Hari Om everyone,

Sorry for not keeping up with the posts. Here is the summary from last 3-4 weeks.

We have covered from अ to अः so far. We have not done ऋ yet which we will cover later. Other than that we have done colors, numbers, rhymes etc. in the previous classes.  Last class, we did a word picture on the board. Will send the picture separately in the email.
Following is the link to print out the sheets and practice at home.

Ended the class with closing prayers.

Hari Om!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

BBNJ Hindi Sr Feb 2, 2014


Hari Om,

Students are encouraged not to succumb to peer pressure but inform one of the teachers in the Teacher's Meeting if they find themselves without a teacher for any reason!

Today we had only 3 friends in class.We discovered that the long cold days of winter had erased some of the progress made in previous sessions and a review was in order. We reviewed what the Alphabet (Varnamala or Aksharmala) is called in Hindi as well as the Hindi names for Vowels (Svar) and Consonants (Vyanjan). 

We reviewed all the svar we have done before - how to write, say and which words begin with that sound.

Students agreed to have a quiz next week on Svar. They are expected to know how to write, read, say and identify the sounds of each of the vowels. No written homework was given because of Superbowl but any practice needed by the students to master the material is their responsibility. 
मीना आंटी