Monday, September 22, 2014

Hindi Junior/Senior Blog

We combined the two classes and conducted  Individual Oral Assessments. Please review the assessment sheet. Help your child learn the words they did not know but more importantly applaud them for getting the ones they got correct. We also provided 'Aai Diwali' song copy. In the upcoming weeks, we will be practicing this song. We will go over the meaning of the words in the next class when we learn about 'Our festivals'. The children also learnt names of Body parts in Hindi (Hair, eyes, nose, ear, teeth, mouth, hands, legs and stomach. They stood up and were asked to 'Tap their 
सिर (head) and Rub their पेट (stomach) and similar other such actions - they had fun doing these. They also learnt a few bird names in Hindi (Peacock, Parrot, Owl and Duck). If you think your child gets hungry, please send an additional snack so that we are able to maintain high energy level throughout the class.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Hindi Senior Class - Sept 14, 2014

Arvind Agarwal and Jyoti Agarwal (not related to each other) are happy to teach Hindi Senior this year at BBNJ. In the first class week, the class consisted of 5 enthusiastic kids. During the class we reviewed vowels and consonants. All students have written these in their note books. If they didn't have notebooks they were provided paper and writing tools. They were also requested to write 5 three letter words and 5 four letter words. The expectation in this class is that the students have a limited base of vowels, consonants, Hindi speaking ability (limited) and ability to understand Hindi. We consider all students to be at an intermediate level rather than a senior level. For the next class, please ensure that students bring a notebook, sharpened pencils, eraser, and completed homework. If there are too few students on any particular day, Hindi Senior may be combined with the Hindi Junior class.

Hindi Senior Teachers

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hindi Junior Class - Sept 14, 2014

We had a wonderful first day . There were several repeat students who are continuing with Hindi Jr this year. We have exciting new things planned out for them. To kick off our class, Hindi Juniors learned ‘Hello’ and ‘Thank you’ which will be said at the beginning and end of class. They learned/reviewed:

  • Colors (Yellow, Blue, Red, Black, White, Black, Orange, Green and Purple ) 
  • Fruits (Apple, Banana, Mango, Grapes, Orange and Pomegranate) as well as 
  • Numbers 1 to 10 in Hindi. 
Since we have a lot of material to cover during the year, please review what they learnt each week so that your child is able to move forward with the rest of the class. We will provide you with a syllabus copy in the upcoming weeks. We will also provide individual assessments for you to review the progress of your child as well. In the next class, please provide your email addresses in the weekly class sign up sheet so that we can communicate any specific instructions if needed.