Monday, September 22, 2014

Hindi Junior/Senior Blog

We combined the two classes and conducted  Individual Oral Assessments. Please review the assessment sheet. Help your child learn the words they did not know but more importantly applaud them for getting the ones they got correct. We also provided 'Aai Diwali' song copy. In the upcoming weeks, we will be practicing this song. We will go over the meaning of the words in the next class when we learn about 'Our festivals'. The children also learnt names of Body parts in Hindi (Hair, eyes, nose, ear, teeth, mouth, hands, legs and stomach. They stood up and were asked to 'Tap their 
सिर (head) and Rub their पेट (stomach) and similar other such actions - they had fun doing these. They also learnt a few bird names in Hindi (Peacock, Parrot, Owl and Duck). If you think your child gets hungry, please send an additional snack so that we are able to maintain high energy level throughout the class.


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